Blogger Recognition/Unique Blogger/Mystery Blogger/Awesome Blogger/Liebster Awards Mashup

In the last month or so, several wonderful bloggers have tagged me in these five awards and I am so incredibly grateful to all of them. I’d love to dedicate a post to each one but that’s going to take a while to get them all posted, so I thought putting them all together would be the best idea.

But first, go have a browse of the brilliant blogs of the lovely people who nominated me:

Blogger Recognition Award: Mary

Unique Blogger Award: Lauren

Mystery Blogger Award: Sophie and Jeannette

Awesome Blogger Award: Kaitlyn

Liebster Award: Shannon (I have already done a Liebster Award post as I was nominated back in November by Bexa, so you can read that here if you like)

I got the idea to make one big awards mashup post from Ashley, blogging at Mental Health @ Home, so thanks for inspiring me to create this post! I’m going to set out the rules for each post, nominate some people for each one and then answer a selection of questions from all of the awards.

Blogger Recognition Award

  1. Show your gratitude to the person who nominated you and provide a link back to the person’s blog.
  2. Give a brief story of your blog.
  3. Share two or more pieces of advice for beginner bloggers.
  4. Choose 10 other bloggers to nominate.
  5. Comment on each blog by letting them know they’ve been nominated and provide a link to your award post.

My blog’s story:

My blog was created at the start of November because I wanted a space on the internet to connect to other people who have passions for writing about similar things to me. I’ve always loved writing and thought blogging would be a great way to get in the habit of doing what I love on a regular basis, otherwise I can go months without creating anything!

Advice for beginner bloggers:

I’m not sure I’m experienced enough to be giving out advice, seeing as my blog is only two months old! I think what I would say though is don’t be scared to interact with others, and Twitter can become one your best blogging tools – I reached a much wider audience once I started using Twitter and have had a lot of fun talking to people on there.

For this award I nominate:









Happy Mentality


Unique Blogger Award

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you (of course!) and link their blog within your post.
  • Answer the questions that you were given, nominate 3 other bloggers and set them 3 questions to answer.

My nominations for this award are:




My questions for them are:

  • If you could experience life in a decade from the past, which would you choose?
  • If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
  • What’s the most important thing you’ve learnt from 2017?

Mystery Blogger Award

“It’s an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion.”
Created by Okoto Enigma.

The rules:

  • Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  • You have to nominate 10 – 20 people.
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.

Three things about me:

  1. I have an obsession with wearing brightly coloured socks, even if they don’t match anything else I’m wearing.
  2. I grew up vegetarian and went vegan nearly three years ago.
  3. One of my favourite TV shows ever is Bojack Horseman.

My nominations are:





Hashtag Panic






Awesome Blogger Award

“This is an award for the absolutely wonderful writers all across the blogging world. They have beautiful blogs, are kind and lovely, and always find a way to add happiness and laughter to the lives of their readers. That is what truly defines an awesome blogger.”
Created by Miss Maggie @ Dreaming of Guatemala

The rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Tag it under #awesomebloggeraward in the Reader
  • Answer the questions your nominator gave you
  • Nominate at least 5 awesome bloggers
  • Give your nominees 10 new questions to answer
  • Let your nominees know that they’ve been nominated

My nominations are:






Questions for them:

  1. What book had the greatest impact on you?
  2. Which person do you consider your greatest influence?
  3. If you could experience life in a decade from the past, which would you choose?
  4. What TV show could you not stop watching?
  5. Where’s your favourite place in the world?
  6. If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
  7. What’s the most important thing you’ve learnt from 2017?
  8. What’s your favourite thing to do in your spare time?
  9. What’s the most unusual thing you did last year?
  10. What song/s make you happy?

A selection of questions from all of the awards:

What achievement are you most proud of in 2017?

Deciding to actively create change in my life instead of passively letting life happen to me, which I wrote about here. This involved starting a distance learning degree, working hard over the summer and creating this blog.

Do you have any new years resolutions or goals for 2018?

I decided to have lots of smaller goals this year, most of them to do with self-care and personal growth, such as reading more. You can read my 2018 goals post here.

What has been something good about today?

I’m about to go ice skating – I’m pretty excited about that. I went several times as a kid but haven’t been for years.

What do you do in your spare time?

I do a lot of blogging of course, but apart from that I love photography, baking and I’m currently getting back into reading and starting yoga.

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would you be and why?

I liked being 18 – I got to finish college, experience proper freedom for the first time and had a bit of responsibility, but at 18 there are still a lot of ‘adult’ things that don’t have to be thought about yet. It’s also the year I went travelling and I’d love to do a lot more of that.

What do you do when you feel down or sad?

I try to distract myself by doing something I love, have a bath or talk to someone who cares.

Where, or what, does home mean to you?

Home will always be Brighton, because it’s where I grew up and where my family lives. But I also think of Sydney, a place I lived and worked in for a short while, as a sort of home as I have such a strong attachment to it.

What is your favourite book and why?

This is a difficult thing to decide. I love Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro, The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, 1984 by George Orwell, John Green’s style of writing and Matt Haig’s book The Humans (currently reading his memoir, Reasons To Stay Alive and liking that a lot too).

What is your favourite season and why?

Autumn. My favourite kind of day is sunny but crisp, and I love all the colours of the leaves.

Phew! Well done for getting this far if you did, I tried to keep it as succinct as possible. Thank you to everyone who nominated me, that’s really kind of you all!

My Social Media Links:

Twitter (@alysjournals)

Instagram (@alystravels)

Pinterest (@alysdc)


13 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition/Unique Blogger/Mystery Blogger/Awesome Blogger/Liebster Awards Mashup

  1. Kaitlyn says:

    Congratulations on all your awards Alys, you definitely deserve them! And in case you haven’t realised, I love your blog, your writing, and the stories you share. Thank-you, so much, for having such a wonderful blog, and for being a wonderful soul behind it too! Hope you are having a fab day today ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. marymatchy says:

    This is so sweet from you!! Lovely post to know a bit more about you 🙂
    Btw I love photography too and, although it’s being a while, I need to take yoga back into my routine, it’s simply soooo good!!

    Liked by 1 person

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