Running 100k for Mental Health

Nope, this is not my grand return to blogging I’m sorry to say. Buuut, this felt too important, and topical, to not put a brief post up about it. So here goes, I’m oiling the rusty cogs and remembering what it’s like to create a post again all in the name of raising a lil bit of money…

This month I am going to run 100 kilometres for a mental health charity. Yep, one hundred. And I’m fundraising for it. If that’s all you need to hear and you would like to contribute (thank you thank you thank you) then please head on over to my JustGiving page.


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Finding a House – January Reflections

I feel like January normally drags a little, the cold days and endless greyness of the sky stretch out and we all find ourselves wondering if February is ever going to turn up. I haven’t found that this year though. The bleak weather is certainly hanging around as usual, but the actual days have been tripping over themselves in a hurry to get to spring.

My month started in the Peak District, hiking around in the hills and eating bakewell tart. On one of my favourite walks, it started snowing for a couple of minutes which was magical. The whole week was wonderful actually (apart from losing my bullet journal…).

I headed straight back to university from the rugged hills and had a hectic first week back on a compulsory course workshop. It was pretty tiring and a lot of people didn’t show up, but I’m glad I went. If I hadn’t, I would be wondering what I’d missed out on. I really can’t complain, most people had exams that week which I thankfully didn’t have to do.

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Why and How I’ve Started Running

“I can’t do it, I can’t do it, I can’t-”

“You can.”

It was week four into the running challenge my mum had convinced me to follow with her, although I’m sure this particular dialogue could’ve been plucked out of any week so far, and I felt like I was going to choke on carbon dioxide. Or like I was going to collapse. Or die. Or possibly all three at once.

A revelation I’ve had since starting this running thing, aside from the fact that I seem to be a dramatic runner who catastrophises everything, is that I should’ve done this sooner. I haven’t left it ridiculously late in life to start, and I know many people take up running when they’ve had a lot more birthdays than me, but the thought does tend to linger in my head as I sweat it out on the seafront.

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