mountains, sea and space drawings bullet journal weekly spread

August Weekly Spreads in My Bullet Journal

So I’m doing something a little different for today’s installment of (what I guess you could call) my bullet journal series. Normally, when showing photos of my bullet journal and explaining how I use it, I only post my monthly spreads – like this one for August. These posts include all the trackers and other pages I use throughout the month. However, a lot of people seem to like these posts and want more, so strap yourselves in kids, today you’re getting what you wished for – more journal photos! (Probably not you in particular, but some other strange internet-dweller like me who gets their thrills through arty organisation).

August has been the first month in which I’ve really stepped up my weekly spreads – previous months have had the same design for every single day, whereas this month is different each and every week! That’s why I thought it would be nice for this to be the first set of weekly spreads that I share with you all…

Week One

minimal bullet journal weekly spread

The first five days of August didn’t really get their own spread, and they featured in my August setup post anyway. I thought I’d include that page in here to show just how simple a weekly spread can be.

Week Two

summer bullet journal weekly spread - yellow with flowers

This week of August still felt summery – it was hot and sunny and I’m already starting to forget how that feels! Since then, we haven’t had much blisteringly hot weather, which is a relief for the grass (it was all yellow where I live and has now gone back to green) but I’m hoping there’s still another beach trip or two to be squeezed out of this British summer.

Week Three

minimal mountain doodle bullet journal weekly spread

I think my mind and body were ready to jump into more autumnal/wintery themes this week; as soon as the rain came my bullet journal lost the yellow colours and a minimal black and blue mountain theme popped up. I like the simplicity of this spread, although my wrist started cramping up drawing in all the little dots.

Week Four

watercolour planets bullet journal weekly spread

For the next week, I felt the need to inject a little bit more colour into my pages (blue was still very much an underlying theme though…) I really love watercolour paints at the moment, and feel like I’m really learning how to control the colours and blending a bit more. I no longer feel like the watercolours are controlling me! That’s why I went for a planet theme, using different colour combinations to create several celestial objects across the top of the page.

Week Five

minimal mountain and planet doodles bullet journal weekly spread

And finally, we get to the spread that I think is kind of a combination of week three and week four – a minimal line drawing page with a planet/mountain theme. I couldn’t help myself continuing the blue theme, even if that was only with the presence of washi tape at the top and bottom of the pages.

And that’s it – roll on September (and the start of a completely new bullet journal)!

Find more bujo inspo here

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37 thoughts on “August Weekly Spreads in My Bullet Journal

  1. priya says:

    oh my goodness I’m in love with your weekly spreads!! I wish I had the motivation to put even half that effort into my own weekly spreads and overall bullet journal but mine never ends up looking that beautiful! x

    Liked by 2 people

  2. ruthinrevolt says:

    You really make me want to try harder with my bullet journal, rather than just scribbling 😂 Although, I know I couldn’t do as good a job as you (my drawing skills are… limited.) I love the mountain layout and the planets are gorgeous! Can’t wait to see more. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Bexa says:

    These are such gorgeous & creative spreads Alys! I love your intricate and detailed drawings, they look brilliant! Every time I scrolled down to see a new week, I thought ooh that’s my favourite, then the next one became my favourite. I couldn’t make up my mind which one I liked best, I love them all! I like how each week reflects how you are feeling. Thank you for sharing, your designs make me want to take up bullet journalling again! 💖 xx

    Bexa |

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Kristin says:

    I love your themes! Your little drawings are so wonderfully detailed and almost iconic looking? I’am not sure that’s the right word but I would totally buy stickers with those designs 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

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